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On behalf of the Governing Body here at Oakley Church of England Junior School, we welcome all children, parents and carers to our school.


The governing body’s role is to support this school to continue to provide a friendly and engaging environment where children actively want to learn independently and confidently.   Diversity is important and we want the governing body to be reflective in the community we serve. 


As far as our role is concerned, we support the school in a number of key areas such as pupil welfare, progress and achievement, finance and budgets, staff development and recruitment.  Governors come from a wide variety of backgrounds, bringing different skills to the fore and meet regularly with the Leadership team and staff to check that the school continues to monitor and evaluate its objectives both strategically and operationally.  


I truly believe that this is a great school and I have seen first-hand just how much effort the staff go to, to ensure all children are happy and confident.  In addition, the school is incredibly fortunate to have such a close knit community supporting it and a wonderful PTA (The Oakley Junior School Association).  As the proverb goes, ‘It takes a village to raise a child’ and I believe it also takes a community to support a school and I’m proud to be part of the community that supports Oakley Church of England Junior School in being the good school it is. 


Should you wish to share any thoughts or ideas, please contact any of the school governors and they will ensure that your comments are heard.


I look forward to meeting as many of you as possible over the coming year.


Kind regards


David Sims

Chair of Governors



If you wish to contact the governing body please email


Become a School Governor

The school has a committed team of governors who play an important role in the leadership and everyday life of the school.  Governors are unpaid volunteers and are usually appointed to serve a four year term of office.  The Full Governing Body and its Committees meet at least twice a term and governor are encouraged to attend school events. 


Further information about becoming a school governor can be viewed here.

Paper copies of governor minutes are available on request - please contact to arrange. 
