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The Oakley Church of England Junior School Governing Body has overall responsibility for supervising the strategic direction of the school. It is an integral part of the leadership structure of the school which both challenges and supports the Headteacher and staff to constantly raise standards and improve outcomes for all pupils. Their duties include regular monitoring of pupil learning, progress and attainment, development of a school strategic, annual school development plan and input into school self-evaluation processes, appointment of staff, monitoring of staff performance and pay, formulation and monitoring of statutory policies, approval of the annual budget and monitoring of spending including pupil premium initiatives.  


The Governing Body also oversee the curriculum within the school and, as well as ensuring there is a strong safeguarding culture within the school community, they encourage mental health and wellbeing among staff and pupils. The Governing Body comprises a combination of appointed and elected governors. The Diocese of Winchester appoints the Foundation Governors. The Co-opted governors are appointed by the Governing Board who, in their opinion, have the skills required to contribute to the governance and success of the school. The Parent Governors are elected by the parents of pupils at the school and must be a parent/carer of a child attending the school.  


The Headteacher is a member of the Governing Body and there is a Staff Governor elected by the teachers at the school. Ian Page is Chair and Janet Cullinane is Vice-Chair and Safeguarding Governor of the Governing Body. A list of the governors is set out in the attachment below.  


Being a governor is both hugely challenging but enormously rewarding. As volunteers to the school, we derive a great deal of personal satisfaction in the knowledge that the staff, teachers and, most importantly, the pupils will hopefully benefit from our efforts. If you are interested in becoming a school governor, we would love to hear from you. If you wish to, contact the governing body. Any correspondence should be addressed to the Clerk, Tracey Wood, at the school. Emails can be sent to the


The Oakley CofE Junior School Governing Body 

School Governors are a voluntary body of people who guide and support the strategic direction of the school. They are members of the school team and their contribution to the running of the school is highly valued.


The instrument of government states that the governing body shall consist of:

  • One Local Authority Governor
  • Two Foundation Governors
  • One Headteacher
  • One Staff Governor
  • Five Co-opted Governors
  • Two Parent Governors


The role of the governing body is a strategic one, its key functions are to:

  • Set the aims and objectives for the school
  • Set the policies for achieving those aims and objectives
  • Set the targets for achieving those aims and objectives
  • Monitor and evaluate the progress the school is making towards the achievement of its aims and objectives
  • Be a source of challenge and support to the headteacher (a critical friend)


Diversity Statement

As a school, we recognise that a diversity of thought, voices, and perspectives is essential to good governance and the effective running of any organisation. We regularly collect diversity information from our governors and, depending on current data, can use this to:

  • target recruitment to address gaps in experience and diversity
  • develop and adapt practices to ensure full participation
  • prioritise training and awareness-raising in identified areas
  • address potential 'blind spots' by seeking wider advice and perspectives on current and upcoming opportunities, challenges, and risks

However, we are unable to publish this information as it would mean that individual members of our Governing Body are identifiable.

If you wish to contact the governing body please email


Become a School Governor

The school has a committed team of governors who play an important role in the leadership and everyday life of the school.  Governors are unpaid volunteers and are usually appointed to serve a four year term of office.  The Full Governing Body and its Committees meet at least twice a term and governor are encouraged to attend school events. 


Further information about becoming a school governor can be viewed here.

Paper copies of governor minutes are available on request - please contact to arrange. 
