Medicines and Illness
If your child is absent from school due to illness or other reasons, it is necessary to report the absence on the first day by telephone or by email no later than 9.15am. Please contact the school every day until your child returns to school. Please provide copies of all letters for medical appointments to the school office. All infectious diseases must be notified.
Please do let us know if your child has any medical issues, or if it changes during the year. We have many children with medical care plans for asthma, allergies and other conditions. We are only able to give your child a prescribed medicine from your GP if you complete a form. All medication must be brought to and collected from the office by an appropriate adult.
If your child has an auto-injector, they must have an in-date one in school, and an extra one for school trips (or they will not be allowed to attend).
If your child has a head bump, then we will send you an email indicating more information. If we are in any way concerned about your child following an accident, or they become unwell, we will contact you. Please ensure that we have up-to-date emergency contact details.
Homely Administration of Calpol and Piriton
We keep a supply of each in school and occasionally it may be necessary to administer a homely dose of Calpol or Piriton to your child for headache or insect sting for example. We would always contact you (parent) by phone beforehand. A text message would then be sent home to inform you with details of dosage and time given. A ‘Homely Administration Consent Form’ must have been completed for this dose to be administered.
Sickness / diarrhoea
When a child is absent due to vomiting and/or diarrhoea, please ensure that he/she is symptom free for at least 48 hours before returning to school.
Should my child be at school today
Please click here for guidance from the NHS. If you are still unsure please don’t hesitate to contact the school office.
Many thanks for your co-operation in this matter.
Flu Vaccinations
Flu vaccinations are administered each year in the Autumn term by the NHS school nursing team. Letters are sent home beforehand with further information and permission slips. Further details can be found here.