Our Church
As a church school we work closely with the local church – St Leonard’s – and are part of the Diocese of Winchester. There are several times throughout the year where we participate with the church such as Easter, Harvest and Christmas. We also carry out End of Year services for the children who are moving onto secondary school.
The school welcomes Revd Ben Kautzer who joined as the parish’s new Rector at the end of April 2019.
You can visit the St Leonard’s Church website for more information here.
Collective Worship
We have whole school Collective Worship on a Monday and Friday. During our Collective Worship we have bible readings and stories, as well as discussions based around the Christian Value of the term. On Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday, we have collective worship as year groups or classes where staff will gather their class and share bible stories and readings, again in line with the current Christian Value, and have opportunities to hold more focused discussions. During Friday’s Collective Worship achievements of the children are recognised.
‘Open the Book’ visit the school every Tuesday morning and show themed and dramatised storytelling to present the Bible stories in lively and informative ways to the Lower School as well as the Year 2 children from Oakley Infant School. For further information about ‘Open the Book’ please click here.
Classroom Prayer Areas
Each classroom also has a prayer area for reflective time, but they can also write their own prayers and respond to questions about the main themes covered in the collective worship for that week.