Year 3
December 2022
What an exciting term we have had! In English, we started the term studying nonsense poems, which culminated in us writing our own Snitterjibe poem! We have also studied The Iron Man by Ted Hughes to help us write own first person narrative’s as Hogarth. In art, we enjoyed creating our own junk modelling Iron Men. In maths, we had fun during problem solving week whilst practising our ‘talk maths’ approach and completing an outdoor maths trail around the school. We have also learned how to use the formal method for short multiplication and enjoyed learning shape through practical maths lessons. In science, we have finished off our topic on plants and then learnt about magnets and their effects through practical investigations. In RE, we explored why Christmas is important for Christians, which linked to our Carol concert. Although this was not in the church as planned, we still enjoyed a visit there for our rehearsal. The children did very well, were resilient and made us all tremendously proud.
Mrs Sworder and Mrs Badham