Oakley Junior School Association (OJSA)
The OJSA is a very active association which supports the school. It organises many activities throughout the year and raises money for the children. The OJSA also provides important links between home, school and community.
All parents are welcome to join the OJSA. Other relatives and friends associated with the school can also join the association. Help with events is welcome from all members of the school community.
Nearly New Uniform Shop
There is a wide range of nearly new uniform available. Please contact via email juniornearlynew@gmail.com or OJSA Facebook page for details. Donations of good quality items are always appreciated.
How to pay for any fund raising events - including discos
Please can all donations be made directly to the OJSA by bank transfer. Their details are as follows:
Bank Account Name Oakley Junior School Association
Sort Code 30-90-53
Account 00309144
Reference - Please use your child's name