Digital Photography Images in School
We understand that parents and family attending events in school would like to photograph their child/children; however we do have a duty of care to safeguard our children. In many cases, photographs taken at school events form an important part of family albums and memories. Everything possible will be done to ensure that this tradition continues. Parents are welcome to take photographs of their own children during assemblies and sporting events, with the permission of the Headteacher. However, care must be taken not to interfere with the smooth running of the event, breach commercial copyright laws or compromise health and safety. By following some simple guidelines we can proceed safely and with regard to the law. The Headteacher has the responsibility to decide if photography and videoing of school performances is permitted.
Parents/carers will ensure that:
- Any images taken are for personal use only. Where children other than their own are present within the photograph/recording such photos or videos must not be sold and must not be put on the web/internet. To do so would break Data Protection legislation.
- Recording or/photographing other than for your own private use would require the consent of all the other parents whose children may be included in the images.
- Parents and carers must follow guidance from staff as to when photography and videoing is permitted and where to stand in order to minimise disruption to the activity.
- For children and young people’s safety school staff will challenge anyone who are unknown to the school at an event and who is taking photographs or videos.
- They will respect the setting’s decision to prohibit photography of certain children or a particular event.
- Remember that for images taken on mobiles phones the same rules apply as for other photography. Guidelines for photos
- Use of photos in school, on display, newsletters and the school website
- We thank you for your continued support at school events.
- No photos with name
- Look carefully at the images, (make them large instead of just thumbnails when selecting images) to check content.
- Only those with photo permission will be used.
- Group photos where possible
- Any photos of parents will be used with prior permission
These guidelines are in place to ensure that images that we use in school are appropriate and all staff follow these guidelines. Any queries about photos please contact the school office.